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Meet the face
behind the posts

Hey so glad you're here.


I'm Carmen! CW is my little corner of the internet!

I'm the voice, author, and creator behind CW. Currently, I am using this outlet as a hobby for nights and weekends while I work as a budget analyst full time. 


I am living in between Maryland and Washington, D.C. Soon, I will be living full time in the city of Washington D.C. permanently which is a huge dream of mine for quite sometime now. I am not opposed to relocating if I get tired of the city however, for the time being Washington D.C. is calling my name when you know you know (updates coming soon on that). My favorite things in life are a big plate of pad thai, tea, sunny days, and staying active! 



In this space, I am always sharing a mixture of fitness and outdoor lifestyle, fitness finds, and other small businesses that I love and utilize in my real, actual, everyday life. If I wouldn't do it in real life, I wouldn't put it on the blog. My goal is to inspire you with fitness and outdoor ideas that are both approachable and exciting for yourself, your family, roommates, or your friends. I want you to be so excited about these spots and or ideas that you eagerly await 10am on Saturdays when you have the day off from work to start venturing out and actually doing them. 



Along with all the fitness and outdoor insight, I also use the blog to share bits and pieces of my life outside of the fitness and outdoors - from life updates, to a girls trip, to reflections on making new friends and life as a dog auntie. 


  • Travel: From living on a ship, to the ultimate West Coast road trip, to a cold Airbnb in New Mexico! Oh my gosh, I love travel. 


  • Moving: On the search for the right spot to finally decorate and settle into. I'll keep you posted on this one. 


  • Huey: Houston, Huey, or Hu hu is a king and he has joined our family a couple years back and is the absolute best mental health dog for the family. He always finds a way to have a part of his body on you at all times! 


Let me know what's on your mind

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