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Farmer’s Market SW & A Casual Walk

Farmers market

I do not own any rights to the picture above. I would like to give credit to the original photographer.

Stroll with Ease

There's nothing like taking a good ol stroll and getting lost in your own community. Strolls are important because it's a relaxing activity (key word relaxing) that activates ones muscle or muscles and gets the blood flowing. Getting lost in your own community, allows for one to get to know local small business owners and it allows for one to maybe even develop friends and or friendships that are nearby in proximity.

Last weekend, one of my best friends and I went on a casual stroll to catch up BUT ... to be honest with y‘all I was holding the persons jeans hostage for about a month because child I was too lazy to bring them back. Can you believe that? If yes, keep reading :)

Anyways... one thing led to another and we ended up at the farmers market. A farmers market is typically a physical marketplace where local farmers sell their produce, vegetables, and plants. Most farmers markets within major metropolitan cities are more so a mix of local farmers, cooks, entrepreneurs, and small business owners that sell food, treats, drinks, souvenirs and so so much more.

P.S. .. if you have NOT been to a farmers market, I want you to stop what you are doing right now and Google search your nearest farmers market. If you have proceeded with that Google search then I encourage you to hit up your local farmers market as soon as possible by yourself or with a friend, and remember the whole point of this is to just relax and enjoy your community that's right in front of you. Going to a farmer‘s market is almost free and who doesn’t like almost free.

If you have not proceeded with that Google search because you know where your local farmers market is then I want you to look up a new farmers market that you haven't been to. If you have proceeded with that Google search then I encourage you to check it that out.

The farmers market that my friend and I visited was the Farmer's Market SW. It's right across from the Safeway on M Street and it's not far in proximity from the District Wharf or as locals call it Wharf. Here below are a few things that I enjoyed about the farmers market and not so much enjoyed about the farmers market.

A couple of things I liked about this farmers market are here below:

  1. Not over crowded with an influx of people

  2. Tables/tents are spaced out (allows room for walking around comfortably)

  3. All vendors accept electronic payment (i.e., Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo .. you name it they probably have it)

  4. This one farmers station, had small samples of the fruit and vegetables in front of the each fruit or vegetable. If you didn’t want the laid out samples the owner would hand cut them for you. Definitely, a confident farmer if you ask me!

  5. Most items start at $10 bucks

  6. Seasonal flowers >>>>>>>>

  7. Seasonal treats >>>>>>>>>>

  8. Seasonal fruits and vegetables >>>>>

  9. BAMM’s station, had barbecue sauce that’s was straight up bomb 💣 . I was able to try all different types of flavor on a stick and on a sample meat ball too. Oh and another thing, if your looking for something infused 🍃 the owner has a sauce for that too.

  10. Fresh food and healthy snack options!

A couple of things I didn’t like about this farmers market are here below:

  1. NO PARKING NEARBY (secret - park in the Safeway or pay for street parking on M)

Get Moving

To keep up with all things fall, including this new season that we have just entered, make sure to get the body moving for roughly thirty (30) minutes to an hour (1) four times a week. If you end up going to a farmers market in your local community let me know in the comments below which one, your favorite part about the market, and your not so favorite part about the market. Also, I will be posting more fitness and outdoor articles along with fall activities. Most fall activities are outdoors so I’ll get close to my 10,000 steps by doing them. More ahead soon so make sure to leave your contact information on the contact tab. Happy Fall and good luck on your adventure!

Link to Market SW & Farmer’s Market SW:

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