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Starting Fresh: 7 Focus Areas + New Year’s Goals

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Happy New Year’s Everyone!

It’s the beginning of a brand new year, new you, and maybe even new boo. Hello 2022 and hello all. This is the YEAR where nothing is going to stand in your way. Don’t steer away from your goals because if you do you’ll be back to the same day-to-day monotonous routine. Most American’s tend to focus in just one or two areas like losing weight (physical) or new job (career). Let’s reassess the past year and prioritize the current year 2022 by taking a look at these seven areas in which you can set and stride towards!

Seven Goal Areas:

1. Intellectual: Goals in this area might include taking a Youtube/Skill share class or getting a certificate.

2. Physical: This one’s pretty obvious. You may be wanting to cut, bulk, or spending more time being active, etc.

3. Spiritual: This may include spending more time in devotion, the bible, fellowship groups or getting more plugged into a local church.

4. Family: This may include monthly sibling night or taking turns planning date night once every other week.

5. Financially: Making a habit of budgeting, and setting money goals for your future.

6. Social: Goals in this area might include putting yourself out there. Saying yes to social outings, or maybe saying no to the ones that will serve you no good.

7. Career: Is it time to quit that job for a career change? Or maybe it’s time to retire permanently.

The truth about these seven areas is that some will be easy as cake and others will be difficult. Personally, I strive with setting financial, social, and career goals. And I struggle to make plans with my one and only sister. Terrible and I am guilty since I am the big sister but that’s changing in 2022. For years, my mom has been saying “you only have one sister” which is true yet complex and I will make an effort monthly this year. No excuses. No excuses. No excuses.

Remember these seven areas won’t be easy but if you make it a priority you can accomplish them all in the next 12 months or even less!

What are some of your 2022 goals? Let me know in the comments down below!

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