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Well, here we are.

Two more months of 2021. Can you believe that 2021 is almost over? Well, I can. 2021 is inching away by this very second right as I’m typing this. Yes, there’s that fresh and bright feeling a new year brings… but try and focus on these last two months left before throwing all of 2021 away. I think it’s safe to say that you can put those 2022 practices into the ground works right here right now in this very moment. I want to take a moment to write my take on self care practices that I’ve learned and are putting into practice.

Let’s Dive into This Thing Self Care

Self care can be almost any activity that we do to lower stress levels but still contributes to ones overall health, peace of mind, happiness, and self well being.

Self care should always, always, always, be something you want to do not something we feel we should do.

Therefore, self care is something you should make time for otherwise, you’ll never recharge.

What does self care look like?

Self care is going to look different based on your personal needs, wants, and individual likes. A self care ritual that one of your besties does may NOT work for you. Be your own person and do something that brings you joy because at the end of the day self care is for you.

The Self Care Buzz

Outdoor self care can be a lot no matter where you live. I get it, and I’ve been there. Self care is a trend but more importantly it’s a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. I’ve complied some of my favorite everyday and weekend indulges in nature for city life, suburb life, and for country life.

Prioritize Your Mood

When it comes to taking care of your everyday mood and self, outdoors and fitness is pretty much always part of the answer for me. Getting enough good quality outdoor and fitness time keeps your body functioning to fight off Karen’s at work and just employees that get on your last nerves. Prioritizing mood is my self care.

Here’s a few ways to prioritize your mood:

  1. Calendar in a 15 minute meeting for yourself and take yourself outside of your desk/cubicle and take a walk whether that be an indoor walk or an outdoor that’s completely up to you.

  2. Channel your inner downward dog. Do some beginner to moderate yoga poses outdoors to release tension and to connect with self. 3. Take a flower bath. Find some pedals and fill your tub up.

Walk it Out

The end of the year is the busiest weeks of the fall leading up until thanksgiving. However, taking a 15 minute break for a Midday walk can be game changer. The midday walk will help you break up the day, gets some steps in, and to indulge in the temperature.

The whole purpose of the midday walk is to get you out and out in nature or just outside of your home and to give that beautiful brain a break from overstimulation. I like to double hold myself accountable by blocking out a meeting on my work calendar to make things less likely to be skipped and on my personal calendar. If you end up going over the allotted time for the walk that’s okay resume work and trust me your company will be okay. Walks are my self care.

Downward Dog

Are you a yogi? Yoga offer loads of health benefits and the best part about yoga is that you can do it outside or anywhere really. The two components that I enjoy most about it are that it stretches out inactive muscles and links movement with breath. Yoga is in my self care.

Take a Flower Bath

The practice of flower bathing is on my self care to do list of items to try out. I’m torn between whether or not I want to select various ingredients and use a food processor versus buying a pre picked flower bath package with pedals and the whole nine (aka the complete package).

Cash Lake Loop Trail

The outdoor trail that I went to this past week was Cash Lake Loop Trail. It’s located in Prince George’s County, Maryland more specially in the city of Laurel.

Park Rating: 3/5. Personally, I gave this park a 3/5 because I saw too many snakes for my likening. I talked to the park ranger and he assured me that they were brown garden snakes. The park was well maintained and not over crowded with an influx of people. Took some beautiful gems at Cash Lake Trail Loop. Enjoy!

Beautiful day. Blue sky’s. Slightly cloudy.

Classic trail sign. Brown. Blends into the trees and the soil.

Union Church friend and Kinsey.

Not quite there with the fall leaves changing.

Lake Redington. I saw the snakes by the lake go figure.

Just beautiful.


More flowers.

Purple flowers.

Until next time,

Carm 🥾✨

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