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The Benefits of Connecting with Nature

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How to Get Started

If you're new to connecting with nature? Hello and welcome. You might be wondering --- How do I actually do it?

Is your life busy? Is your mind even busier? Most of us live our lives at such a fast pace that often times it can be challenging to appreciate all of what mother nature has to offer us. The mind often is too busy with thoughts about the future that it can't enjoy what's right in front of us (aka the present). Well, even if you are spending time in nature there might be some noises keeping you from fully connecting and that's okay because I gotchu with some helpful pointers and techniques that I do as well and want to share.

Starting out, anything that sparks your interest and gets you outside is the first step to connecting with nature. The things that gets me outside these days are flowers, plants, and a good hiking path.

But keep in mind, there are also daily practices that'll help you learn to pump your breaks and tap into the present world itself more frequently and naturally. So keep reading for things that you can do regardless of the temperature!

A Few Ways to Connect with Nature

  • Commit 2 being present

  • Solo time

  • Lunch outside

  • Bring the outdoors in


The main way to connect with nature is learning how to pump those highway breaks and gently ease your way to a complete stop. Pumping those breaks starts with listening. We all know what listening is but the key is to be intentional about using our ears. Yes, silence can be uncomfortable but don't worry about that. Focus on you. Focus on this moment. Focus on using those beautiful ears to sense those sounds around you, above you, beside you, beneath you, and where ever else.

Listening Techniques & Thoughts

  • Who/What is making this sound?

  • Who/What am I listening to?

  • Who/Where do I think these sounds are coming from? (above, below, or behind )

  • How/Why did my ear pick up these sounds? (is this sound making me happy?)

  • How is this sound speaking to my inner being?

  • Where is this sound taking me? An old memory? A new memory?

Listening can ignite our other five sense. The eyes, the ears, the taste, the touch, and the smell. All of these are a good extension of listening so do what feels right. Commit to being present.


A solo moment in nature is necessary. Don't always be in solitude but sometimes it can be good for ya. Solitude very much can help your social life along with helping us regulate our inner and outer emotions. Solitude helps to keep us grounded within. Solitude helps bring that calming effect tucked deep deep down within ourselves to light (aka the surface) and then that light will be passed onto others. Solitude can help us engage better with one another after we have our moment.

The time that we spend with ourselves works best when choosing to do so on our own. The time we set aside helps us to fly free and allows us to NOT have to follow others, takes away the pressure of having to talk to anyone, no obligations to respond to anyone, no people pleasing because no ones is with you, and it allows you to decompress if you are a highly sociable individual (*cough like myself*). All of these moments, will help us to discover new outlooks on life, new interest within self, and new dreams or aspirations without worrying about others opinions.

The same level effort that you put into making plans with your bestie, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, or hookup should be the golden rule of them ALL when setting aside your time. You know that saying? "Treat others how you would want to be treated" except treat yourself significantly better because if you DONT do it nobody else will.


Are you tired of sitting in the break room at work? Why not try swapping that indoor seat for an outdoor lunch at a park or in a grassy field. It’s simple cute and takes minimal effort. Try it.


As the seasons change, so does the weather thats still no excuse to ignore mother nature. Sometimes, it can be easier to bring the outside indoors because of the cold temperatures.

Try filling your home/apartment/room you rent with fresh plants, vegetables, or fruits!

Heres a few house plant recommendations

  • aloe plant

  • jade plant

  • rubber tree

  • snake plant

  • herbs (basil, cilantro, or chives)

  • tomatoes

  • peppers

These four tips are doable and I know you can think of more too! Try what I wrote if you like but ultimately pick something that works land feels all natural to you. Let me know what you try in the comments below!

Side Bar:

Last Saturday, I took a leap of faith and decided to try out the Union hiking group. It’s called ”We Hiking Pull Up”. I love the name of the group it’s cute and straight to the point. If you all have read post 1 or post 2 on my blog I might of mentioned that I’ve been intentionally working towards making new friends, friends in Christ, and within the church. Soo… if you didn’t know now you know.

The hiking spot that we did was Patapsco Valley State Park. Patapsco Valley State Park is the oldest state park believe it or not located in Baltimore County and Howard County. The loop that took us to the beautiful water fall was the Cascade Falls Loop. The trail was about 2.3 to 3 miles long. I’d say this is a moderate hike.

Parking can be tricky at this entry point because Howard County blocked off the close parking locations. With that being said, they have parking about a mile or so from Landing Road. Basically, you’ll end up walking about a mile or so to get to the starting point of the trail/loop. All in all, this is a wonderful moderate all age friendly hike that offers moist trails, waterfalls, and some streams.

Definitely recommend the Cascade Falls Loop. Remember to bring deet wipes, bug spray, and water.

Union Church Link:

We Hiking Pull Up Link:

Patapsco State Park Link:

More soon,

Carm ✌🏽🌱🌍

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